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How Any Driven Woman Can Stop Settling and Reignite the Passion in Her Relationship ...

(This is where the curiosity hook goes if you want a shout out specifically)

(Without stepping back from her career.)

(This is where the curiosity hook goes if you want a shout out specifically)

In this Masterclass, you'll learn. . .

  • The Relationship Reboot Protocol, my clients use to save their marriage and get the spark, passion, and intimacy back in their relationship while feeling totally heard and understood.
  • The five steps that can help any career-focused woman feel completely satisfied in ALL areas of her relationship while advancing her status and authority in the workplace.
  • Why it's NOT selfish to put yourself first . . . And how my clients bring the romance back into their marriage, even if their husband doesn't seem to want to make an effort.
  • What they are doing to stop feeling anxious and constantly torn between work and home and establish boundaries that allow them to have the lifestyle they want.
  • Why trying to "fix" a man NEVER works . . . And how to get more respect, even if work sometimes has to come first.
  • And, how we do ALL this, even if they're worried it's too late to save the relationship, or they're scared they'll have to sacrifice their career success.

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Meet Your Host

Penelope Magoulianiti

Relationship Expert | W.O.W. Education

Penelope is the founder of W.O.W. Education, a Certified Lifecoach, Speaker, and Author of the Women, Motherhood & Independence, and the Creator of

The Goddess Diary©.

She combines her corporate experience of 20 years with her passion for personal development to create transformational training under the brand "Feminine & Powerful" for those women who want to start living without wishing that things were different.

"Loving relationships enhance the quality of our lives and improve our health and our overall well-being."