Stop Sabotaging Your Relationship: Reignite Passion by Adopting a New Way

Welcome to Feminine & Powerful Relationship Week

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The Fear of Being Perceived as "Less Than"

I used to have this wrong assumption that the more masculine a woman is, the more successful she becomes. So I've always kept myself in the "Do-Achieve" mode. The result was that my health deteriorated due to excess stress, and my relationship suffered.

I've tried so hard not to be too feminine at work because I used to believe that feminine is shallow and weak. The problem was that I was carrying this behavior at home. I wasn't allowing my man to help me by avoiding asking for his help. And because of this, he felt unappreciated, unwanted and irritated.

Relationships don't end from lack of love but from lack of polarity.

I was terrified to open up and talk to him about what I needed from our relationship. I didn't want him to perceive me as weak or insecure.

The real problem was my belief that I wasn't good enough! I was afraid that he wouldn't love me if I allowed myself to become vulnerable and speak about my deepest fears. This belief was the second biggest fear I was carrying around my relationship.

Those two fears were destroying the passion between us.

I've found myself shutting down in the middle of an argument and avoiding arguments altogether. At the times I felt scared, I tented to criticize him, telling him that he didn't care. . .

The overall result was that I to feel lonely, unloved, and unappreciated in my relationship.

Stop Sabotaging Your Relationship:

Reignite Passion by Adopting a New Way

let's do this

Having It All!

I used to believe that I couldn't have a successful career and a unique, passionate relationship, and I discovered it was a BIG FAT LIE!

Sacrificing one part of me for the sake of the other was causing me to feel trapped and frustrated. It felt like I was at war with myself.

I felt guilty because I desired the career while I believed I was doing it at the expense of my relationship.

So, I've started playing with the idea of what if I have the career I want and bring back the joy and passion in my relationship? What would I do differently? How would I show up each day?

The Five Shifts That Changed Everything . . .

When I decided I wanted both, I started a five-year journey to transform myself in a way that would provide the outcome I desired for my relationship while I kept thriving in my career.

I no longer had no control over my days, and I found myself facing each day full of energy and with the knowledge that whatever life decided to throw at me, I was able to handle it.

Understanding that a career and a beautiful relationship can co-exist was a game-changer for me.

My husband started paying more attention and desiring more of my presence by embodying the woman I wanted to be.

Transforming Lives Is My Specialty

Today, I have the honor to be working with women across the world, coaching them on the exact strategies I've used to turn my relationship around.

If you feel that a part of you craves to come out.

If you feel that you are ready to the best next version of yourself, you are at the right place.

Creating Extraordinary Transformations

Creating Your Methodology

I've transformed my life from a tired partner, anxious mother, and burnout employee to a passionate lover, present mother, and inspirational leader by mastering these five shifts.

This is the difference between the method I am using and the existing ones.

I am blending my experience with an extraordinary method that guarantees results.

Penelope's ability to ask the right questions, listen objectively, understand, and provide clarity was impressive...

I would highly recommend Penelope for life coaching. Her ability to ask the right questions, listen objectively, understand, and provide clarity was impressive. She not only helped me focus on the fundamental objectives to attain my goals but provided insight into the pattern that was holding me back. She is one of the most positive, encouraging people I have ever met. Coaching with Penelope was a game-changer. Thank you, my dearest.

Angela M. Studio Angel

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Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in. Risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis. Faucibus a

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